The Philosophy of the system
A simple consultation system conceived to offer a dynamic representation of life as "living memory" and fueled by the desire to extend the boundaries of the "Hall of Fame" to all "common and silent" people, and still worthy of being remembered, welcoming, preserving and sharing the memories, the stories, the thoughts.
In Cemetery Burials The memory of a lifetime is usually entrusted to a photograph, possibly supported by an epitaph. In this way we offer and receive a static image, which hardly reconciles to describe how much more fluid and dynamic it can exist, as it is, precisely, the life you want to remember.
Let us Imagine, then, to find ourselves among the various sepulchers of the cemetery to visit our loved ones. Here our attention may be attracted by the name or photo of a person we do not know or that we have only vague memories. At this point, to find out more, it will be enough to frame the QR code placed on the tomb with our smartphone. In the same way, those who wish to know or deepen their knowledge and remember the lives of our loved ones can do likewise. We complete this page with a reflection on the history, the one with the tiny "h", the one that the common people live in its daily, that which does not pass to the chronicles of the notoriety. Perhaps they are the great men, those capable of making interpreters of the needs of their time to write the Great Story and, without doubt, are the "great" to fill the pages and the media Chronicles: the sport’s Champions, those of the entertainment industry, the geniuses of science and technology, brains... of politics and good governance. But, no doubt, it is precisely the stories of ordinary people who, not only intertwine with the History of capital H, but substantiate and feed it. And surely, even in the stories of ordinary people, there are moments of genius and inventiveness, of sensibility, of art and of humanity, of courage and of value. For this reason all human lives, if known deeply, can offer examples and food for thought that enrich our experiences, our knowledge, our thinking. That's why “” wants to extend the boundaries of the "Hall of Fame" to all people "common and silent", but always and still worthy of being remembered, welcoming in the pages of the site their memories, their stories, their images, their gestures, Their thoughts. |