Publishing a memorial
The necessity to guarantee the due respect to this virtual place, which are entrusted memories and memories of our loved ones, imposes a preventive control of the information and, for this reason, the activity of publication of the memorials is carried out by the drafting of the site.
In the first statements of this page has already underlined the primary need to safeguard the pages of the site from inappropriate intrusions and misuse of language and images. However, if the control activities put in place by the site editors can avoid the publication of inappropriate material, to avoid the publication of information and images that are not truthful or not apparent to the privacy of those who ask for the Publication, it is stated that the publication is always under the responsibility of the applicant. In other words, you may ask to publish the memorials of persons for whom the applicant is authorized to do so. It is however understood that, at any time, the publication of a memorial can be removed for just cause or by simple request of those who, in his time, asked for the publication. After this necessary premise, through the following links, it is possible to download the informative documents in which all the information and procedures to be followed for the publication of the memorials are detailed: